Thursday, 1 December 2016
The Untold Truth About Religion And Its Atrocities (Christianity As A Case Study)
Written by Egbeolowo Olaitan
I write as a Bonafide citizen of Nigeria. I write as a Compos Mentis Homosapien. I write as a Realist.
"HISTORIA VITAE MIGISTA" meaning (History Is The Best Teacher) Understanding our past determines our ability to understand the present. So how do we sift truth from belief? How do we write our own histories, personally or culturally and thereby define ourselves? How do we penetrate years, centuries of historical distortion to find original truth? Well, according to the statistics I have with me here that talks about the population of various religion members in the world. Rank Religion Members Percentage
1. Christianity 2.1 billion 33.0%
2. Islam 1.3 billion 20.1
3. Hinduism 851 million 13.3
4. Buddhism 375 million 5.9
5. Sikhism 25 million 0.4
6. Judaism 15 million 0.2
7. Baha'ism 7.5 million 0.1
8. Confucianism 6.4 million 0.1
9. Jainism 4.5 million 0.1
10. Shintoism 2.8 million 0.0.
It is through this that I decided to use Christianity as a case study. It is not as if i decided to use Christianity as a case study because I'm a Muslim or Buddhist. I decided to use Christianity as a case study because of what I describe as "Christ Tintinabulation Around the world that Captured 33% of the world population" this may be funny! but a Gigantic avenue for wealth allocation to the Actors Involved.
It is reasonable for a freshman to plant seed of pepper and go to church to pray in order to reap Orange, all in the name of Miracle.I laugh because Some people now see GOD-The-Father as magician.
Well, having gone through different level of research on religion through which I quickly fueled the already existing truth for the sake of Transparency and Genuineness.This Genuine article is meant for the open-minded fellow and those who have fully navigated the four daunting but rewarding walls of Socratic intellectual lunch. This Article is meant for those who understand the saying that "An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living", and not for those who are suffering from " ACATAMATHESIA " and " Delusion Grandeur ".
I am euphoric to announce that this article is fundamentally defective and deductive for those who can reason through the Socratic intellectual lunch.
Religion and tribalism are roots of African problem. Do you agree?
If all religious leaders all over the world can accept themselves as serving the same God (Christianity and Islam), I strongly believe there will be no room for terrorism, what religion and tribalism has caused in Africa is more than 30 million death and this is exactly our problem right now in Nigeria. Picking leadership post by religion and tribal sentiment not by quality and performance. It's time for this generation to reject slavery mentality sold to us by this religious leaders and breaking away from our old tribalism shell to move to the next level.
Some blindfolded
bigots would say religion is highly needed for one to be moral. Then i quickly realized the level of their stupidity. Do we need religion to be moral.... When I am faced with a decision in which my ethical principle need to be applied, i do not refer to a set of arbitrary rules i learned from a religious text. Instead I apply the common sense solution that I can reason my way to.Religious beliefs is dangerous because it is not a product of one's own reasoning. This can lead one astray in the name of morality, but reason will always serve to correctly influence one's choices. It's a funny thing how people claim religion instills moral responsibility, ethics and good behavior in us, yet simultaneously it is the same basis for the murders of Six Million Jews during the Holocaust among others.
As a Compos Mentis Homosapien, there is need for one to examine his own or her own life especially in this generation of ours that is characterized by distortion, speculation and delusion. Whenever I see this, it quickly reminds me of the untold truth about the so call religion and its atrocities with the Grand master (Christianity).
It is very Crystal clear that Christianity Emanated from Christendom or what could be termed as "CATHOLICISM" irrespective of the Digressions that greeted Christendom due to the Leviathans Criticism on the Catholic Inquisition during the dark ages.
There are many things that is hidden and ambiguous to the people and even the so call Biblical students who thinks they know better when it comes to the Holy Bible and the Life History of The Master Jesus. Well, it is a pity that most pastors of today do not even bother to sanitize and sensitise their followers on this, because they knew it would be inimical to them as regards their "PASTORPRENEURSHIP" display In the ABODE of GOD-The-Father. I now see the reason for their Biblical display of "PASTORPRENEURSHIP" in the ABODE OF God- The-Father.They know the real truth, but they won't say it to the Ears of their Gullible Followers in order to continue their ways of extorting the Hoi-Polloi and some freshmen in the House of God-The-Father.
I have said it for the umpteenth time that when there is no difference between the value of a Nigerian pastor and a typical Nigerian politician, then it is truly a "BOLEKAJA" Ambience. There must be an end to this Spiritual Megalomaniacs and Nestorian Braggadocio in the ABODE OF GOD- The- Father. I do not want to make this article as lengthy as possible but with the look of things, I stand to make it as lengthy as possible. At this juncture, there is need for me to fish out some Hidden Facts and Contradictions in the Bible. There is need for me to also punch out the real story of the master Jesus, unlike the Garbled one in the Bible.
for the mind doubters, if at the end of this article you are still not satisfied, endeavor to throw yourself in the ocean of Historical Research provided they are from reliable archives. To all the readers of this Article, I think it is High time I titillated and titivated your Mendula Oblongata on some Facts Relating to the "FONSET ORIGO" of the 'HOLY BIBLE' in essence, to educate some biblical students who believe that the Good Book arrived by Facsimile from Heaven, just like the erroneous belief of the Muslims who opined that the Holy Quran fell down From Heaven in one Night of "Layatu li Quadri" during the Dark Ages. Hmmmmm!!! Sometimes I wonder who is serving whom?
Ipso Facto(by the fact itself), The good book (Holy Bible) did not arrive by facsimile from heaven. The Bible as we know, it was finally presided over by one man: the pagan emperor Constantine who was baptized on his death bed. Constantine was Rome's supreme holy man. From time immemorial....His people had worshipped a balance between a nature's male deities and the goddess, but a growing religious turmoil was gripping Rome. Three centuries earlier, a young Jew named Jesus had come along preaching love and a single God. In 325 Anno Domini, Constantine decided to unify Rome under a single Religion, Christianity. Constantine held a famous Ecumenical Gathering known as the "Council Of Nicaea" in order to strengthen this new Christian tradition. It was at this council that many sects of Christianity debated and voted on everything from the acceptance and rejection of specific gospels to the date for Easter, to the administering of the Sacraments, and of course the immortality of Jesus.
It is very crystal clear like the Biblical "MENE MENE TEKE PARSIN" that the so call Bible is not complete.Gospel of Phillip, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Nicodemus and the Book of Jubilee. All of these Gospels were rejected at the council of Nicaea along with any other Gospel that made Jesus appear human and not Divine. Some Biblical students do not know if there is anything like Gospel of Mary" or Gospel of Phillip" I guess if any pastor would say this, if they had been ask AB-Initio. I red one chapter in the Gospel of Phillip where I Gnashed. The chapter goes thus " And the Companion of the Saviour is Mary Magdalene, Christ loved her and use to kiss her on her mouth" and another chapter that talks about the concept of Reincarnation; that many biblical students do not believe. I red the Gospel of Phillip along with other Gospel, I quickly discovered the reason why they were rejected by the church council during the reign of Constantine.
After doing this, I decided to do a thorough research on the Bible itself. Upon how they removed some Gospels in the bible, there are still countless errors and contradictions in the so call Holy Holy Bible and how they changed from what i describe as "God of the old testament to God of the New Testament " hmmmmmm! Are there no common sense persons at the Corridors of Religion anymore? When will Nigerians be librated from this " Life-Sucking- Abyss and Money making Organization?
Well, It is a pity that Christians in this generation possibly rely
solely on what their pastor preaches. Despite the easy access to the Holy Bible, many shy
away from studying the scared book. Apart from prosperous and promising verses
you are conversant with through your pastor’s
teachings, here are 7 revealing Bible verses your pastor will not emphatically read to your ears
during his sermon in the church.
1. Deuteronomy 14:23
“Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and
olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and
flocks in the presence of the LORD your God
at the place he will choose as a dwelling for
his Name, so that you may learn to revere
the LORD your God always.”
The Bible says EAT your tithe?
2. Deuteronomy 14:25
“Then exchange your tithe for silver, and
take the silver with you and go to the place
the LORD your God will choose.”
You also have the privilege to exchange your
tithe for silver.
your husband cheats on you
3. Deuteronomy 14:26
“Use the silver to buy whatever you like:
cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented
drink, or anything you wish. Then you and
your household shall eat there in the
presence of the LORD your God and rejoice.”
After the exchange of your tithe, you and your
household enjoys.
your church now!
4. 1Timothy 2:12
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to
assume authority over a man; she must be
Why then do we have female pastors?
5. Luke 14:26
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate
his own father and mother and wife and
children and brothers and sisters, yes, and
even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”
Then where is the place of love and care to
others in the kingdom? Meanwhile you cannot
preach Christ without love.
6. Matthew 10:34-36
“Do not think that I have come to bring
peace to the earth. I have not come to bring
peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a
man against his father, and a daughter
against her mother, and a daughter-in-law
against her mother-in-law. And a person’s
enemies will be those of his own household.”
Why do we need Christ, if he had come with a
sword? When a sword symbolizes war.
7. Matthew 5:21-22
“You have heard that it was said to those of
old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever
murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say
to you that everyone who is angry with his
brother will be liable to judgment; whoever
insults his brother will be liable to the
council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be
liable to the hell of fire.”
The word FOOL is a chorus abuse among
everyone, including Christians, especially if you
drive in Lagos.
The fact remains that the hurdles of life is not
exempted from those who are Christ followers
because Jesus Christ himself was faced
hardship. It has been recently observed in the
modern churches that there are some scriptural
verses that pastors dodge away from, with
reasons known to them. But still it is a Miracle to those who are Blindfolded Bigots.
See also, mark 15:25 says " And it was the third hour, and they crucified him" however, john 19:14--16 says 'About the Sixth Hour.... They cried out... Crucify him... Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified"
hmmmmm!! Where are the Muslims? Perhaps I should ask the Brothers and Sisters in Islam that, is Religion Compulsive or is it Not? Quran 02:256 "There is no Compulsion in Religion" OR Quran 47:4 "when you meet the Unbelievers in the Jihad strike of their heads" Quran 8:65 "O Apostle! Rouse the believers to the fight of....Unbelievers" hmmmmm!!! Well, Very often Apologetics claim that, Islam is a religion of peace and there is no compulsion. Yet, punishment of an apostate in Islam is of course death penalty. That's why I don't blame 'Boko Haram' for saying Jihad is a War against Non Muslims by killing people here and there. One can find hundreds of Contradictions/Errors/Inconsistentencies in the Holy Quran. But still it is a Miracle to those who are Blindfolded Bigots.
I tender an unreserved apology if this article is somehow strenuous. I should not have make it lengthy as this, but I have to cite Islam also because the duos are one of a Tweedledum and Tweedledee. They are the Most Blood- Soaked Religion in Human History with their Foolish Crusade and Jihad.
Standing firm on my article, there is need for me to reveal some Biblical lies and falsehood about The Master Jesus. Are you ready? Let me remind us that this article is meant for intelligent people who are ready to learn and do research on their own after reading this 'once in a life time article' hmmmmmm!!! It is High time I revealed some Biblical Lies about The Master Jesus.
Before I proceed, there is something we need to know "The Mystery of the Essenes" Before one can properly understand and appreciate the history and real story of the birth and life work of the master Jesus, one must have an understanding of the Ancient Organizations and Schools which contributed to the preparation for his coming. Perhaps, I will stop here for now, and that's a write up for another day.
I am euphoric to say some Biblical Lies about The Master Jesus which goes thus:
1. There is nothing like "Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ of Nazareth" the title "Nazarene" does not imply that the person who bore that title was of a City called Nazareth. Rather, the title was given by the Jews to those strange people outside of their own Religion. Turning to the Highest Roman Catholic authorities, the title Nazarene as applied to Christ, occurs only once in the "Douai Version of the Bible" and this authority states that the term Jesus Nazarenus is Uniformly translated "Jesus of Nazareth" but this is a mistake in Translation, for it should read "Jesus The Nazarene" (Nazerens Constituted a Sect of Jews).
2. The fact that Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus is a Big lie! Caiphas would appear to have been a spy for the Roman Government who provide the Rome Activities of Jesus. He may have been merely a personal enemy, for he certainly do everything possible to keep Rome informed about Jesus and make it difficult to continue his work. Caiphas is a Greater Enemy to Jesus than Judas. The story of Judas as presented in the Christian Version is a Garbled one, modified in order to illustrate the fact that among the followers of Jesus, as with every Great leader in the past, there was one who represented the Evil Forces.
3.The Erroneous believe that Jesus rose from the dead could not be ascertained. The truth of the matter is that Jesus was Temporarily placed in a Tomb among the dead and that quickly rose from that place and out of that environment, and returned again to his place among the living. The statement that Jesus rose from the dead should be associated with wording in Luke24:5, "Why do you look for the living among the dead" we must bear in mind that Jesus was placed in a tomb that was intended for the dead.
4. The Christian Version of the Words "Eloi, Eloi, lema, sabachthani", could not mean " My God, My God, why have you forsaken me" According to the Ancient Records and the original transcriptions that are recorded in reliable archives. The words written there are "Heloi, Heloi, Lema Sabachtani" meaning "My Temple of Helois, My Brethren of Helios, why have you forsaken me" and that he was referring to the Brothers and Sisters of the Temple at Helios where he had been Initiated.
5.In Mark 6,:1,2, the statements are made that Jesus went back to his own country and his disciples followed him, and when the Sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the synagogue. In the fourth Verse of that chapter, Jesus referred to the fact that he was a prophet in his own country among his own kin, and in his own house. These Statements have been taken to refer to Nazareth, the town in which many biblical students believe Jesus was born and in which he spent his childhood. Now if Jesus did return to his home town and did preach in a Synagogue to Great Multitudes, it should not have been at Nazareth; for even in the Second and Third Centuries after the Birth of Jesus , Nazareth had no Synagogue and was not Large Enough to have a building in which multitudes could have listened to Jesus.
6.the biblical story that Jesus is the only begotten son of God is nothing but a fallacy of sweeping generalization. Having gone through the Gospel of Phillip where I saw many reasons why it was rejected and this could be one of those reasons. According to the Gospel of Phillip chapter 28 which read
"The Man of Heaven has many more Sons than an earthly man. If the sons of Adam are many, although they die, how much more are the Sons of the Perfect Man" Also, Buddha who was a messenger of God, was also born of a virgin and rose to the celestial regions. The same thing with Krishna, Zoroaster among others. The Egyptian celebrated the resurrection and ascension of Adonis for many Centuries preceding the Christian Era. In fact, the festivals in honor of the resurrection and ascension of Adonis were observed in Alexandria, Egypt, the Very Cradle of Christianity, in the time of ET. Cyno, Bishop of Alexandria, AD412. Even the children of Israel worshiped Adonis Under the Jewish designation of Tammuz. Jesus was the last Avatar and a messenger of God. He was not the first to be crucified, he was not the first Avatar to rose to the celestial regions. Krishna was also crucified and rose to the celestial regions. Krishna, Buddha, Judah, Zoroaster, Adonis among others were just a messenger of God, and a Great Avatar during their Lifetime. I nodded my head because I need to stop here for now and talk about the remaining in my next Article.
Finally, my Brothers and Sisters, this is 21st Century in which we are all the better for it. I have not written this once in a lifetime article to tackle or condemned any religion. But the truth must be revealed to those who are ready to learn and do a thorough research on their own as regard this. We have failed to Examine our life forgetting that "An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living" Go out there, Seek For Knowledge and Examine your life. Otherwise you will still be living by my pastor say, my cleric say and vice versa. Did you know? Religion Does three things Effectively:1.It delude people. 2.It control people. 3.It divide people.Your ability to choose one out of these will define you in the long run. Wise up my people, Wake up from the Dumb Room, come rain; come shine Africa. It is time for liberation and rehabilitation.Religion is a Mind Virus, An Enemy of Reason, while Christianity is the worst virus of all. Tomorrow is now my people!!!!!!!!!! We must not Kowtow in this Powwow. May we truly reflect on the Quintessential Modus-Vivendi of the Cosmic host. Could he be that my people will still die of IGNORANCE and Delusion Grandeur After Reading This? Hmmmm!!! Wolves in sheep clothing that is what they are, beware, Jezebel everywhere.
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there must be an end to spiritual megalomaniacs and Nestorian Braggadocio. nice one