Wednesday, 25 January 2017

How Mother Of 2 Was Drown In River After Investing N400,000 She Borrow Into MMM

The popular ponzi scheme, MMM has caused a serious trouble after a 34 year old mother of twin committed suicide by jumping into a large river and got drowned afterward in Benue state.

The mother of two was said to have informed her children before going into that act and she told her children to tell their father to forgive her.
The woman, unidentified had earlier invested the sum of N400,000 she borrowed into the popular scheme, MMM and she was unable to pay back after the scheme was freezed

“The state police spokesman, ASP Moses Yamu confirmed that the Police actually recovered the body of a woman from River Benue. Mrs Samson was buried on Friday at the Ankpa ward   public cemetery.”

Read more about Breaking! Mother Of 2 Drowns Self In River Benue After Investing N400,000 She Borrowed From Banks Into MMM - on:

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